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Colin J Dickson


Colin qualified from the University of Glasgow in 2010 and spent one year working in small animal practice in Northumberland before moving to a busy charity hospital with the PDSA in Leicestershire.  A large client base and heavy surgical case load kept him busy for 7 years before taking up the role of Vet Team Leader for a 12-month maternity cover, it was during this period of time that Colin’s passion for surgery grew and he persued his CertAVP.

In January 2019 Colin joined a busy first-opinion hospital in Northampton with a team of 10 vets, including two advanced practitioners in medicine, it was during this time he completed his CertAVP.

In September 2020, following the COVID-19 pandemic, Colin returned home to Northern Ireland and worked in a small first opinion practice.  After 10 years in general practice, Colin joined NiVS as a rotating intern in 2022.  On completing his internship, Colin started a Post Graduate Certificate in Small Animal Surgery and is a full time member of the NiVS surgical team.

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