Vet Professionals

We offer a multi-disciplinary referral service to patients in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, with a highly qualified team, cutting-edge technology and leading advancements in referral veterinary medicine.

Pet Owners

You and your pet are our priority at Northern Ireland Veterinary Specialists. Learn about your pet’s journey when you are referred to NiVS, locate our hospital and learn about the various services we offer.

Welcome to Northern Ireland Veterinary Specialists

We are Northern Ireland’s first Specialist-led, multidisciplinary small animal veterinary referral hospital.

Why should you come to us?

NiVS are the first small animal RVCS Specialists working in Northern Ireland, and see cases referred to us by general veterinarians from all over the country. We work as an extension to your local veterinary team to expand patient access to state-of-the-art diagnostics, specialist treatments and an advanced level of veterinary care. Our hospital is centrally and conveniently located just outside of Hillsborough, County Down, Northern Ireland within easy access of the A1 motorway and convenient for clients who live both in the North and South of Ireland.

Get in Touch

Whether you're a vet seeking advice, an owner looking for an update, or simply have a question, don't hesitate to reach out and speak with a member of our team - we're here to help.

028 92 680 681

[email protected]

9am to 5pm - Monday to Friday

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